Ávaxtaríkt og sætt kaffi með jafnvægi á milli sætu og sýru sem gefur því safaríkan karakter. Ríkuleg fylling sem minnir á rabbabarasultu. Björt ávaxtasýran einkennist helst af rifsberjum og límónu. Æðislegt og langvarandi eftirbragð!

  • LAND ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  Kenía
  • HÉRAÐ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Nyeri
  • SAMYRKJA •••••••••• Samfélagið í Mutheka
  • HÆD YFIR SJÁVARMÁLI ••••• 1917 metrar
  • VINNSLA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Þvegið
  • AFBRIGÐI ••••••••••••••••••••• SL-34, SL-28
  • UPPSKERUÁR ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2019

The Muthuaini factory is located in Nyeri, on the southern part of Mt.Kenya. Muthuaini is a Kikuyu phrase meaning a place with many ants.” And indeed, it’s famous for the ants that nearly destroyed everything, including a plantation of sugarcane. However, the area was so fertile and ideal for farming, the residents had no intention of giving it up without a fight, and those ants are mostly now just a memory. At the mill, coffee is fermented in fresh water from the Thuta River and dried in the sun on raised beds. Approximately 550 producers contributed to this coffee.

Kaffi frá sama landi