Following the graphic print workshop that included 17 artists and took place in Asmundarsalur over the month of December; í kring joined force with print & friend, and offered to three of these artists, Almar Atlasson, Daði Guðbjörnsson and Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir, to exhibit a small selection of work along with the pieces created during the workshop. Every café of the Reykjavik Roasters hosts a part of this three-fold exhibition. (Kárastígur 1, Brautarholt 2, Freyjugata 41 – Ásmundarsalur)
We invite you to join our artist Walk & Talk on the 11th of January starting at 17:00 in Brautarholt 2
We will continue the evening with the opening celebration that same day at 18:30 in Ásmundarsalur.
Kárastígur 1.
Almar Atlason
Almar Steinn Atlason is a visual artist operating out of Reykjavík. He has held numerous exhibitions around the world, usually uninvited. Almars works deals with disobedience, guilt, violence and social roles. He most often uses performance, paintings and multimedia installations when presenting his works. Almar tries to expand the space of his works and stretch them into non-traditional areas such as shopping malls, comment sections and archives of public institutions and often goes against the values of society. He asks open moral questions and often seems simple and/or naive when examining things that are, visible to all but often left unsaid, like in the story of the Emperor’s new clothes.
Daði Guðbjörnsson
Daði studied at the Reykjavik Schools of Visual Arts and the Art Academy in Amsterdam.
He worked as a visual artist as a primary job for about 40 years. Mainly with paintings, graphics, art books, and sculpture. Daði has exhibited in most major museums and galleries in Iceland and also little abroad. Works by Daði are common in Icelandic homes, institutions and companies and also have been duplicated in books, cards, chocolate boxes and stamps.
Daði focuses in his work as an artist takes position; on man’s desire to connect with the spirit in his heart and the roots in his emotional life. One can say the images are created in a special meditation state of Sahaja yoga (nirvichara samadhi).
Brautarholt 2
Almar Atlason
Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir
Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir was born in Akureyri, Iceland, in 1963. She graduated with a B.A. from The Icelandic College of Art and Crafts and also received a B.A. from Accademia delle Belle Arti in Florence in 1993.
She works and lives in Reykjavik, exhibiting in Iceland and abroad. She has had seven exhibitions this year; in Iceland, Vienna and Geneva. She has also taught at the Reykjavík Art School and The Icelandic Academy of the Arts.
In these latest works called “Upplifanir/ Experiences,» Kristín uses live models.
Print and friend
Print and friends are running a print workshop in Gryfjan in Asmundarsalur in connection to the Christmas exhibition ‘‘Ég hlakka svo til’’. A selection of artists from the show were selected to participate in the workshop, one artist a day until christmas.
The outcome of the workshop is exhibited in the café in Ásmundarsalur.
The artists participating are:
Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir
Helgi fiorgils Friðjónsson
Erling Klingenberg
Sigurður Árni Sigurðsson
Kristín Gunnlaugsdóttir
Daði Guðbjörnsson
Berglind Ágústsdóttir
Helgi fiórsson
Guðlaug Mía Eyflórsdóttir
Pétur Magnússon
Guðjón Ketilsson
Almar Atlason
Steinunn Önnudóttir
Hrafnkell Sigurðsson
Snorri Ásmundsson
Hekla Dögg Jónsdóttir
Haraldur Jónsson, borgarlistamaður