Jördis Richter & Reykjavik Roasters collaborates for this saturday kimchi evening in Brautarholt 2 from 20:00.
Including tasty Korean food, mostly vegan friendly, natural wine and local beer pairing, casual mood, and friendly atmosphere.
A few words from Jördis Richter our host and cook for the evening:
” Initially it started by me as a girl from Berlin suddenly being in Reykjavik.
Born and raised in Berlin, I was always used to the overflowing abundance of all kinds of food.
I was raised on challah and other kosher foods and always loved the huge turkish influence in that city, but my all time favorite food is Korean food. I love and take it all!
Living on an island is great, but for everyone who loves food it can be challenging.
But out of this lack, grows creativity and productivity, therefore you just start trying to do it yourself.
I started cooking with Korean friends and ended up watching a lot of elderly Korean lady’s making food on YouTube.
This is where the Icelandic community is so amazing, instead of telling me to stick to mazze balls, nobody is questioning that the only jew in Reykjavik makes kimchi instead of meditating, people just get excited!
In the end I just want to create the diner party that I want to attend myself, it is very self-serving to be honest.”