1.900 kr.

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Kaffið er sætt með mjúka fyllingu. Nokkuð gott jafnvægi er á milli sætu, sýru og beiskju. Eplatónar og sætt tóbak í bragði og gott milt eftirbragð.

Uppruni: Kosta Ríka
Hérað: Leon Cortes, Tarrauzu
Afbrigði: Caturra, Catuai
Vinnsla: Þvegið
Framleiðandi: Tarrauzu samyrkjan, Carrizal samfélagið

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The co-op in Tarrazu has a unique program designed to motivate farmers to produce quality coffee. The program, started three years ago, separates lots with a score of 86 points or higher from individual communities in the Leon Cortes region. These communities then get to decide how the money will be used to improve their coffee production and their own lives. The money has been used to build roads, create safe storage for clean water, and even build roofs for children’s schools in the Carrizal community.


Weight 250 g